This is a great story I feel I must share with everyone. A while back I went to an adoption support meeting where the people there had adopted from different parts of the world, none from Ethiopia. As the evening went on the leader told the story of a single woman who adopted two boys from Ethiopia and just before picking them up found out they had an older brother in another orphanage. Months later while at a party I ran into someone I had not seen in years and we were filling each other in on our lives. When I told her about this trip she told me the same story as I had heard at the adoption support group except that she worked with the parents. Yes I said parents and you may be wondering why since earlier I said she was single. Well her and her boyfriend decided to get married during the adoption process but then the adoption got cancelled because in order to adopt from Ethiopia as a married person you have to be married for at least two years. They got an annulment and the adoption continued (they are married now) while there to pick up the two younger boys Sintayehu and Wondemagegn they met Daniel, the older brother. Once home they began the process of adopting Daniel and were able to do so three days before he turned 18 at which time he would not have been adoptable. Now having heard Denise and Jeffery's story twice I had to meet them. I contacted the woman who runs the support group and was given contact information for Denise. We met a couple of weeks ago and the whole family is lovely. I was in there home for quite a few hours and even had dinner with them. The boys are lovely and their home is so peaceful and full of love. I pray one day soon I can say the same of the children I adopt from Ethiopia. Please continue to pray for guidance and direction for me in this as Ethiopia may soon be closing adoptions to single woman. Thank you Jeffery, Denise, Daniel, Sintayehu and Wondemagegn for opening up your home to me and allowing me to share your amazing story.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I knew you would love Jeffrey and Denise! They are so much fun to talk to and have great boys! So glad you connected.

Debbie Mumm