Today my friend Tonja and I went out for lunch. As we were talking she told me the story of an event that happened to her last week. She had stopped at the oasis to get gas and a gentleman approached her asking for money. He said that his car was not working and he needed it towed. He was exasperated because no one had cash to help him out. She informed him she would also be paying with a credit card and had no cash. He walked away hot and defeated. She wondered to herself if there would have been a way to give him the money and witness at the same time. She thought about it and decided she could go the ATM and get some money. She would give it to him telling him that she was a christian and that he needs to remember that God provided for him and to pay it forward for someone else in need one day. Unfortunately at this point she could not find him. It weighed heavy on her and she prayed for God to open the doors to give her another opportunity to help someone else in need. The next night we were on the phone and I was telling her about Hope Enterprises. This is the organization that sells meal tickets. Fifty cents feed eight Ethiopians. So over lunch she donated the forty dollars she would have given this man for me to take to Ethiopia to hand out meal tickets!!!!!!!!! She figured out it will feed 640 people, thank you Tonja and God bless you for your generous heart!!!

1 comment:

Amanda Kataja said...

Aw, she didn't tell me this story! My sister's cool.